
This page contains a list of all the mammals that have been seen in the wood

This badger is on a trail just above the major oak.

This badger is thinking about crossing the wall.

This badger is thinking about crossing the wall.

The badger is looking for the seed that has fallen from the birdfeeder above.

The badger came past here several times tonight..

Did you know badger’s like peanuts.

This badger is up close.

Does this badger want to cross the wall or is it trying to catch a mouse that was just around here?.

This badger has found the bird seed that was scattered on the log..


I guess this is a neighbours cat.

The cat also uses the wall as a walk way.

Surprise, surprise – a cat found the cat food, though most of it had gone by now!.


The fox was the first mammal that our trail cameras picked up

This time we got a nice head on view of the fox. He/she seems to pause for the camera. Perhaps the fox sees the red light on the camera or does it pick up our scent on it?

This fox crossed behind the bird feeders in the clearing.

This fox came down from the top into the clearing. He seems to see the camera and shy away.

This fox can tell that there have been rabbits on this wall recently.

This fox seems to have a limp.

This fox decided to have a drink from the pool..

We just added the bird feeders, so they were new to the grey squirrel. It didn’t manage to pinch the birds food.

The grey squirrel using the stone wall as a walk way.

The larger grey squirrel is determined to keep any fallen seed from the bird-feeder for itself.

This grey squirrel is posing for the camera.

The grey squirrel is eating the turkey bits that we put on the fallen tree for the birds..

This rabbit had better look out, there are lots of foxes about.

The rabbit likes to use the walls as a walk-way, I guess they feel safe being higher up and there is lots of moss on the walls to eat.

This rabbit is having a good old bounce around.

A rabbit suddenly jumps onto a wall.

This was the first time we saw a roe deer in the woodland. 24-11-2021 17.01. It was on the lower trail.

1st December 2021, a better view this time. The roe deer was in the open area (on the second level).

11th December 2021, the first time we saw the roe deer in the day time.

11th December 2021, a second view of the  roe deer.

1st Jan 2020, look Rudolph is taking a well deserved rest in our woodland and he is a male  roe deer.

10th Jan 2020, Female  roe deer , up near where we are planning to put a bird hide.

A stoat investigating a wall. A rabbit crossed the wall here earlier.

These two wood mice (sometimes known as field mice) are looking for seed that has dropped from the bird feeder above.

Did you know that wood mice are great climbers!

There are lots of wood mice living in the wall.

Wood mice are great at scampering around the wall.