
This page contains a list of all the different birds that have been seen from the wood.




Two blackbirds on a wall.

A blackbird on the fallen treel.

Two blue tits come to the bird feeder.

Can you spot two pairs of bullfinches.

A bullfinch near the public footpath.

The coal tit pecking away at the seeds.

The great tit enjoying the fat balls.

This greater spotted woodpecker was industriously looking for insects on this fallen tree.

This grey heron visits our pond quite regularly. It is quite shy and flies off whenever we approach. Here it flies off to a pool in a neighbouring field. Whenever we put a camera on the pond, it never comes!

This jay was on the bird feeder near the clearing.

Two jays mopping up the seed under the bird feeder.

This jay found bread on a wall..

This magpie was trying hard to get the small birds food. It had to be content with just a few seeds!

A family of magpies soon polished off the bread and the cat food we had put on the wall.

I saw this pair fly in for the first time. They had a good feed on the weed, then they both had a good ‘wash and preen’ and then they had a sleep on the bank. They made themselves at home. It will be interesting to see if they take up residence.

These mallards seem to enjoy our pool.

November 2021

The nuthatch enjoys the birdfeeder but, it is wasteful of the seed!

We have seen lots of robins in the woodland. They are always around when you are digging.

A robin on the fall tree, eating bits of turkey.

These rooks are probably from the rookery in the next door field.

This rook found the bread on the wall.

The rooks found the turkey bits on the newly fallen tree.

This song thrush was hopping along this wall singing out,  as it was getting dark.

Not a good picture but pretty sure this is a first sighting of a tawny owl, just outside a tawny owl bird box.

Our first good sighting of a  tawny owl, at the top by the springs.

I wonder if this wren nests in the wall.

Two blackbirds on a wall.